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      ※學雜費標準 / Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees
    There has not yet been a finalized tuition fee schedule for 2024, so the 2023 schedule is provided here for reference only (table below).

    費用Fees / Semester
    院系College & Department
    Tuition fees
    大學部 Undergraduate
    機械工程系 Department of Mechanical Engineering NT$51,556
    機械工程系車輛工程組 Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Vehicle Engineering Division
    資訊工程系智慧科技應用組 Intelligent Technology Application Division,  Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering NT$51,556
    資訊工程系系統與網路工程組System and Network Engineering Division, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering NT$51,556
    室內設計系 Department of Interior Design NT$51,556
    休閒與餐旅管理系  Department of Leisure & Hospitality Management NT$47,086
    幼兒保育系 Department of Early Childhood Education NT$47,086
    備註 / Remarks:
    Book costs may vary from program to program.

      ※住宿生活費及其他費用 / Dormitory and Living Expenses
    International students may apply for a dormitory at NYIT. The accommodation fee is NT11,000 per semester (excluding summer and winter vacations). Accommodation during summer and winter vacations is subject to separate application, and the fee will be charged on a day basis (adjustments may be made according to the current situation of the dormitory).
    Monthly living expenses range from NT$6,000 to NT$10,000.
    3.其他費用Other fees。

    Fee (NT$)
    Accommodation Deposit
    1000 完成離宿驗收後,可申請退款
    Reimburse the deposit in full if the room is in good condition during check-out.
    Medical Insurance Fee
    3,000 新生第一學期須辦理;若未符合全民健保投保資格,第二學期須續保
    Mandatory for new students. Students not eligible for National Health Insurance are required to continue the insurance in the second semester.
    Health Examination
    1,000-1,500 註冊報到時辦理
    Mandatory for new students during registration.
    ARC (Taiwan Resident Certificate)
    1,000 每一年須申請辦理一次證件更新
    Renew once a year.
    Work Permit
    NT$100 / year 每年換一次
    It must be renewed every year.
    National Health Insurance
    4,956 符合條件之學生,須依規定辦理,由學校代收每一學期保費
    Students who are eligible must follow the regulations to register National Health Insurance and the school will collect the premium on their behalf each semester.
    Dormitory Fee for Summer/Winter Vacation
    100 以天計費,以學生實際入住天數計費
    Charges are calculated on a day basis, subject to the actual number of days a student resides.
    Note 1: The fees are estimated amounts. The actual amount may vary subject to individual needs.

      ※僑生與外國學生獎助學金Scholarships for International Students
    Tuition & Miscellaneous Fee Exemption/Accommodation Discount/Scholarship(Currency: New Taiwan Dollar)

    Tuition & Miscellaneous Fee Exemption
    Accommodation Discount
    General Undergraduate Program (New Southbound Countries)
    第 1 學年每學期減免學雜費 50%第 2-4 學年同台灣學生
    The 1st academic year: 50% reduction in tuition and miscellaneous fee for each semester
    The 2nd to 4th academic year: same as Taiwan students
    Same as Taiwan students
    第 2-4 學年每學期班級成績前25%者發獎助學金 10,000元;每學期班級成績前 26-50%者發獎助學金 5,000元。
    The 2nd to 4th academic year: the top 25% of the class in each semester will be awarded a scholarship of NT$10,000; the top 26-50% of the class in each semester will be awarded a scholarship of NT$5,000.
    Industry-Academia Collaboration Program
    第 1 學年每學期減免學雜費 50%第 2-4 學年同台灣學生
    The 1st academic year: 50% reduction in tuition and miscellaneous fee for each semester
    The 2nd to 4th academic year: same as Taiwan students
    第 1 學年:免費
    第 2-4 學年同台灣學生
    The 1st academic year: free
    The 2nd to 4th academic year: same as Taiwan students
    1+4 國際專修部
    International Foundation Program
    第 1 學年扣除教育部補助華語先修課程費用後,其餘學雜費減免 50%
    第 2-5 學年同台灣學生
    The1st academic year: after deducting the fees for Chinese preparatory courses subsidized by the Ministry of Education, the remaining tuition and miscellaneous fees will be reduced by 50%
    The 2nd to 5th academic year: same as Taiwan students
    第 1 學年:免費
    第 2-5 學年同台灣學生
    The 1st academic year:
    free The 2nd to 5th academic year: same as Taiwan students
    第 2-5 學年每學期班級成績前 25%者發獎助學金 10,000元;每學期班級成績前 26-50%者發獎助學金 5,000 元。
    The 2nd to 5th academic year: the top 25% of the class in each semester will be awarded a scholarship of NT$10,000; the top 26-50% of the class in each semester will be awarded a scholarship of NT$5,000.
    Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macao students
    Same as Taiwan students
    Same as Taiwan students
    每學期獎助學金 20,000 元
    NT$20,000 awarded each semester
    3+4 僑生產攜班
    The Industry-Academia Cooperative Education Program
    備 註:每學期均需完成註冊程序;前一學期缺曠課達 1/9(含)以上者及操行成績不及格者不得申請獎助學金。
    Notes:The registration process needs to be completed each semester; those who were absent from classes for more than 1/9 (inclusive) of the previous semester and those who failed in conduct will not be allowed to apply for scholarships.