廖文賢 助理教授 (現任公共事務組組長)

A. 期刊論文

  1. Lin, J. R. and Liao, W. H., 2003, “Hydrodynamic Squeeze-film Characteristics in Porous Annular Disks Using the Brinkman Model”, International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol.8, No.3, pp.413-424.

  2. Lu, R. F., Liao, W. H. and Lin, J. R., 2003, “Inertia Force Effects in MHD Oscillating Circular Squeeze Films”, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering. Vol.24, No.4, pp.417-423. (EI)

  3. Lin, J. R., Lu, R. F. and Liao, W. H., 2004, “Analysis of Magneto-hydrodynamic Squeeze Film Characteristics between Curved Annular Plates”, Industrial Lubrication & Tribology. Vol.56, No.5, pp.300-305. (SCI)

  4. Lin, J. R., Lu, R. F., Liao, W. H. and Kuo, C. C., 2004, “Effects of Couple Stresses and Convective Inertia Forces in Parallel Circular Squeeze-film Plates”, Industrial Lubrication & Tribology. Vol.56, No.6, pp.318-323. (SCI)

  5. Lin, J. R., Liao, W. H. and Hung, C. R., 2004, “The Effects of Couple Stresses in the Squeeze Film Characteristics Between a Cylinder and a Plane Surface”, Accepted by Journal of Marine Science and Technology. Vol.12, No.2, pp.119-123. (EI)

  6. Liao, W. H., Lu, R. F., Chien, R. D. and Lin J. R., 2005, “Linear Stability Analysis of Long Journal Bearings: Couple Stress Fluid Model”, Industrial Lubrication & Tribology. Vol.57, No.1, pp.21-27. (SCI)

  7. Lin, J. R. and Liao, W. H., 2005, Stability of Finite Journal Bearings Lubricated with non-Newtonian Couple Stress Fluid”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, (reviewing). (SCI)

  8. 王士榮、廖文賢、徐台生,陶瓷材料迴轉超音波加工及粗糙度檢測分析。    南亞學報    Vol.27,  2007    pp.43-52.

B. 研討會論文

  1. 王立文、廖文賢、王士榮、莊崇文,2001, “密閉矩形區域垂直於冷熱質源隔板之熱質逆向自然對流現象”,第二十五屆全國力學會議,A27。

  2. 王立文、王士榮、廖文賢、黃文傑,2002, “具下隔板傾斜60度矩形盒之順向熱質自然對流現象”,Proceedings 2002 Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Application, pp. 413~416。

  3. Lu, R. F., Liao, W. H. and Lin, J. R., 2003, “Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics for Wide Secant Shaped Slider Bearings”, 27th National Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., 12-13, December, 2003.

  4. Lu, R. F., Liao, W. H. and Lin, J. R., 2003, “Inertia Force Effects in MHD Oscillating Circular Squeeze Films,” 力學與現代科技研討會, 台南市, 成功大學。

  5. 張烔堡、廖文賢,2003, “熱管最佳填水量研究”,南亞學報, Vol. 23,pp1-23。

  6. 王立文、王士榮、劉淑慈、廖文賢,2003, “具隔板之垂直矩形盒逆向熱質自然對流現象”, 2003 Symposium of Transport Phenomena and Application,2003, November 7, pp. 97.

  7. 王立文、王士榮、劉淑慈、廖文賢,2003, “具隔板之垂直矩形盒順向熱質自然對流現象”, 2003 Symposium of Transport Phenomena and Application,2003, November 7, pp. 98.

  8. Chien, R. D., Liaw, W. H., and Chen, S. C., 2003, "Study of the Weldline Strength of Thin-Wall Injection Molded Polycarbonate Parts", 27th National Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., 12-13, December, 2003.

  9. 張烔堡、廖文賢,2004,“垂直膜狀凝結熱傳方程式之新的變數轉換法“,南亞學報, Vol. 24,pp.43-53。

  10. 王士榮、王立文、廖文賢、林俊源,2004,“垂直矩形盒中之左隔板對熱質順向自然對流之研究”,南亞學報, Vol. 24,pp.87-99。

  11. 王士榮、廖文賢、郭順奇、陳俊宇,"具上下隔板密閉盒中之熱質自然對流研究"The 12th CFD Conference,0901, August 19-21, 2005。

  12. 王士榮、郭順奇、廖文賢、陳俊宇、鄭宇勝,"具開口隔板密閉盒中之熱質自然對流研究"2005 輸送現象及其應用研討會, HT02 , 2005/11/11

C. 專書及專書論文

D. 技術報告及其它